Hague’s Christmas Trees

Added by Hague's Christmas Trees

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Listed in Pennsylvania


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We are a grower and retailer of fresh-cut and choose and cut Christmas trees, wreaths and greens in Hatfield, Pennsylvania (Montgomery County). As a family business since 1984, we love helping families get just the right tree to enhance their celebration of Christmas. Custom-decorated wreaths are a specialty, and we have numerous ribbons from state and national wreath contests, including blue ribbons for both decorated and undecorated in Pennsylvania and National contests in 2017. We shake and bale your tree, and drill it if necessary for the Super Bowl tree stand, and help you get it into or on your vehicle. We accept VISA, Mastercard, and Discover as well as cash. We invite customers to join us in donating cash or trees to support Trees for Troops with the Christmas Spirit Foundation.

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